مساعدة في التدريب العملي lane463
السلام عليكم
عندي اختبار التدريب العملي باللغه وراسلت الدكتور طلب تقييم وتقرير وارساله على الايميل
وهذا الي وضعه بالبلاك بورد ايش اسوي بالضبط ماعرفت
هذي رسالته بالبلاك بورد
Training Report:
Write an essay (two pages maximum) to report your training experience. Your report should
answer all of the following questions:
Were your learning objectives met? Which learning objective(s) were not met? Why?
Did you learn what you originally planned to learn?
What were some of the unanticipated learning?
What have you learned about yourself as a result of being involved with this field experience?
What have you learned about your work experience?
What factors do you consider contributed to making this field experience a worthwhile/not worthwhile learning experience? What will you do differently as a result of what you learned?
Make sure to revise your essay for unity, coherence, style, and sentence skills.