عرض مشاركة واحدة
منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 17-09-2008, 03:47 AM   #174



الصورة الرمزية Grotesque

تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2008
التخصص: English
نوع الدراسة: Home studies
المستوى: الخامس
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 60
افتراضي مشاركة: أصدقــاء للأبـد Friend 4 Ever

Greetings Shatha Im glad that u liked it, and thanx for giving me hope on taking syntax although im not looking forward to it at all. Well, here are some more phrases and just for the record u ain’t talkative ur typative :P lol nah im just pullin ur legs :P

Peace out “goodbye”
-I’m leaving guys, peace out!


-I'm just peachy
Or it can be used as “bad or bad things happen” in an indirect way for example JS is telling you that her car got stolen (although she doesn’t have a car :P) ur reply to her will be “yeah life is peachy isn’t it” or yeah life is peachy

Peep “to listen to”

-Hey guys, peep this! (Listen to this)

Damn straight, Right on “approval, excitement, or support”

-someone is telling u a story and ull say Damn strait! or right on!

Hang outto relax with friends or a place at which one relaxes”
-Did you check out our new hang out?
Hardcore a lot of” or “Extreme”
-She's making hardcore money at her new job.
-He's a hardcore guitarist

Killer “very good, excellent, impressive”

-That was killer dude!

Dude “guy”
-That dude is amazing!

kipe “steal”

-Don't kipe my sandwich!

Break camp

-Come on, guys, break camp!

Take a chill pill “relax”

-He needs to take a chill pill.

Pulling you leg “joking” or “teasing”

Chick “Girl”
-Damn, look at that chick she is tall!
This word is used a lot between guys and girls find it disrespectful
Just like here guys use stupid words to describe girls “mozza” and tbh (to be honest) I hate that word IDIOTS

Bleh "boring"


توقيع Grotesque  


Pure intention juxtaposed will set two lovers souls in motion disintegrating as it goes testing our communication


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