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منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 21-05-2013, 05:53 PM   #49

صداع دراسي


الصورة الرمزية صداع دراسي

تاريخ التسجيل: May 2011
التخصص: انجليزي
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: متخرج
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 276
افتراضي رد: التجمع لمادة الادب الحديث وحل الاسئلة التي وضعها الدكتور في المكتبة

1 - How does Aziz feel that Major Callendar has humiliated him? What does the way he has treated Aziz tell us about the British and their role in India

Major Callendar interrupts Aziz night after night from where he is dining with his friends only to show his power over him. Major Callendar doesn't respect Aziz. Aziz was deeply humiliated because Major had already left and not even wrote a message or not to him.
British colonialism was motivated by the idea that the British were a superior, enlightened, and more advanced race than Indian. They are so racist, thinks themselves superior to everyone in India

2 - Why does Aziz shout at Mrs.Moore when he first meet her? Why does he tell her 'You are
He shouts at her because he was under the impression she had her shoes on and He said 'You are Oriental' because she seems so emotional.

3 - Analyze the relationship between Ronny and Mrs. Moore in the light of what Mrs. Moore tells Ronny about her encounter with Aziz in the mosque?

Mrs. Moore speaks of the nice young man she met in the mosque and Ronny assumes from Mrs. Moore’s tone that she is referring to an Englishman, and he becomes angry when he realizes she is speaking of an Indian.

5 - What does the location of the dwellings of the British officials tell us about their relationship to Indians?

the English dwellings which lie some distance from the city and sit on higher ground, implies that the English intend to remain disconnected from the Indians and that they feel the need to monitor Indian activity and to show thier superiority as well.

6 - Comment on the theory of climatic zone. Also show how the British judicial system is based on injustice. In other words, how do British officials look at Aziz after he has been accused by Adele?

Mr. McBryde The superintendent of police in Chandrapore, who has cloaks his racism in the theory of climatic zone that all "natives" are criminals at heart because they live south of latitude 30. Even the "best educated" of the Chandrapore officials is susceptible to the racist attitudes. McBryde is a symbol of the errors of judgment in the educated English. Although he uses reasoning to support his racist views, his judgment, as he even admits, is not quite sound.


8 - Why does the novel begin with e reference In the Marabar caves? How are the caves described?

The caves as a symbol, the meaning of which is a deep mystery. The caves remain beyond domestication. They defy both English and Indians to act as guides to them.


13 - Explain the line "toe the line". What does it tell us about British officials in India?

It is a herd policy. "Toe the line" is an idiomatic expression meaning to conform to a rule, which the British officials wants the British to follow, they were told that they ought to insult Indians and never show respect and keep a barrier between them
تفضل طبعا نقلا عن الاخ دعدعيه الله يجزاه خير وعشان تكون حقوق الطبع محفوظه هذه اهم الاسئله بالنسبه passge to india


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