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منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 06-08-2014, 12:24 AM   #5


تم إيقاف عضويته

تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2013
كلية: كلية الآداب والعلوم الانسانية
التخصص: Engwish Literature
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: الثامن
البلد: منطقة الباحة
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 413
افتراضي رد: Literary Criticism Lane 446 (summer semester) - with Alshoucany

بعد ما عرفنا طريقة الدكتور في وضع الأسئلة أخذت المصطلحات اللي سقطت سهوا أو ما جاب عنها حاجة في أسئلته في الأترام السابقة حطيتلكم المهم فقط واللي ممكن يجي منه سؤال
كذا تكون جاهز لأي سؤال بإذن الله

Absurd : The theater of the absurd refers to plays written primarily in the 1950s and 1960s by dramatists such as Smuel Beckett, Eugene lonesco, and Jean Genet.

Argument : The line of reasoning that holds a piece of writing together and that readers often reproduce in a summary or interpretation.

Authorical intention : Reader assume that the author is the only person who knows what his or her text really means.

Connotations , Denotations : The associations we bring to a word or phrase - emotive , social , cultural , ideological – are its connotations.

Convention : Structural patterns or similarities occurring frequently in a large number of works .
Criticism : A generic term used to cover the act of analysis.

Cultural situatedness : A person’s or subject’s place within a particular culture with its presuppositions, values, and ideology, all of which deeply influence assumptions about reading and writing.

Culture : A complex word the dominant meanings of which encompass the relationships between works and practices of literature, art music , etc, and the whole way of life of the people producing them.

Decentered : Refers to the experiences of our own lives than just to readings .

Discourses : The innumerable ways or structures by which a society’s knowledge and hence language are
collected m organized and controlled .

Dominant : Any society contains many contradictory values , practices, and beliefs that are also reflected in the language and literature current in that society .

Free verse : descriptive term for poetry that has no recognizable metrical pattern and closely resembles ordinary speech.

Genre :mean the kind or form of literature

Historicism : An approach to criticism that focuses self-consciously on the placing of a text within a historical context that is .

Ideology : The conscious or unconscious beliefs, habits, and social practices of a particular society .

Interpretation: signify any act of textual analysis

Intertextuality:The implicit references to one text that occur in another

Verbal irony : Emphasize a clash between what words say and they really mean.

Dramatic irony : Occurs when an audience has relevant information of which the character is unaware

Literature : An ambiguous term pointing to a historical not a universal category of writings.

Metaphor : A word or phrase that brings different meanings together, usually either abstract and concrete or literal and figurative.

Meter : The regularities of rhythm in poetry.

Mood: The atmosphere ( frightening , calming oppressive ) created for the reader by a text .

Myth: In one sense, ancient stories that set out a society’s religious or social beliefs .

Naturalization : The process by which readers reduce what is trange

New Criticism : The dominant mode in American literary criticsm and education between the 1930’s and the 1960’s

Open text : A text that encourages its readers to take up different

Overdetermined : describe an event when its causes and interpretations are multiple

Paradigm : A model of reality or of a field of inquiry constructed to explain

Realism :describe a mode of writing that creates the illusion that reality is represented in language .

Political unconscious : Level of historical meaning usually expressing historical contradictions that underlies all reading and all texts.

Reader-centered criticism : The mode of criticism in part advocated by reading texts that stresses the active role played by readers in the construction of readings of texts , readings

Reading strategies : The techniques used by a reader to process a text.

Referential : Referring to the real world .

Repertoires : The particular sets of beliefs, assumptions, values, ideas , and practices distilled by each text and each reader from a society’s ideology.

Response statement : An informed record of a reader’s intitial r predominant reaction to a text .

Satire : A literary form that uses wit or humor to attack a particular object or person.

Scansion : The convention by which the rhythms of poetry are described .

Simile : A rhetorical device that compares two phenomena using “like” or “as” .

Site of struggle : Language is a site of struggle in that conflicting meanings, while ideological positions struggle for dominance of the right to be seen as natural or true .

Soliloquy: An important structural device in drama

Summary : Writing that paraphrases the argument the writer perceives (in) a work.

Symbol : A linguistic device that uses vivid language to compress a complex or abstract idea into a representation .

Symptomatic analysis : A mode of analysis that probes the text not for its surface or preferred meaning but for symptoms of the pressures and concerns that brought the text into being of which even the writer may have been unaware .

Text : In one sense the work that is , the novel , poem , play , story , etc. , produced by the interaction of the work and the reader.

Wandering viewpoint : Readers maintain an openness to the text by allowing themselves to revise their ideas on what they think the text is about .


التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة hghamdi00 ; 06-08-2014 الساعة 12:44 AM.
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