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منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 28-05-2011, 09:52 PM   #2


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الصورة الرمزية little_star_

تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2010
التخصص: انجليزي
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: متخرج
الجنس: أنثى
المشاركات: 665
افتراضي رد: سؤال عن الفكشن للأستاذة شادن (انتساب)

1/ Research the psychological foundations of the act of persuasion. In what ways could Anne have prevented her father's and Lady Russell's influence over her in Austen's Persuasion?
2- Investigate the lives of the middle-class British at the beginning of the nineteenth century depicted in Persuasion. Discuss how strictly social lines were drawn during that period. – LE 342
3- Jane Austen's novels received high popularity for highlighting various social concerns. Choose two major social themes in Persuasion and discuss in depth.
4-Contrast the role-model of a gentleman represented in Sir Walter Elliot, Captain Frederick Wentworth and William Elliot in Austen's Persuasion.
4- Bearing in mind that Eliot has sometimes been criticized by feminists for being too conservative in her representation of women; discuss the characters Nancy Lammeter, Dolly Winthrop, and Eppie in Silas Marner. Are they presented as dependent on men? How do they go about fulfilling their needs and desires? How do they support others?
4- Discuss how Silas Marner rears Eppie. What principles does he follow? Does he follow Dolly Winthrop‘s advice? How is that different in the shadowing of another social class?
5- The major character, Silas Marner, represents the human nature in interacting with social conditions in its path to enforce or lose faith. Explain
6- Compare Silas Marner‘s love of his money to his religious faith throughout the novel
. 7- Is there a difference between superstition and religion in the novel? If so, what is the difference? How is that relevant to the cottage of Silas Marner?
8- The novel is set up as two parallel narratives that intersect three times. How do these meetings show a progression in Silas‘s status as a member of the English community?
9- White Americans had certain attitudes toward Native Americans in the mid-19th century. Does Injun Joe's status as evil incarnate reflect the popular view of Native Americans in that period?
10- Mark Twain once said of Tom Sawyer, "It is not a boys' book at all. It will be read only by adults." Twain‘s novel discusses childhood and parental responsibilities. Explain.
11- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer depicts the absence of male role model. Explain providing evidences from the male characters enlisted in the novel.

لا تتوقعي انها تجيك بنفس الصوره بس نوعا ما تحضيرك لاجابات هذي الاسئله راح تساعدك بطريقه غير مباشره علي اجابه الاسئله اللي في الامتحان بس شرط عليك انك تفهمي السؤال وتشوفي ايش طالب منك بعدين توكلي علي الله وجاوبي



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