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منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 28-12-2011, 04:20 PM   #12


calm down

الصورة الرمزية هدددددء

تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2010
كلية: كلية الآداب والعلوم الانسانية
التخصص: E
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: متخرج
البلد: جــــدة
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 383
افتراضي رد: اشتراك بموقع Example essay


In our life, there are many things that we need more and more every day . All of us agree that oil is one of these things. In this essay, I will explain where oil is extracted and what its importance .
Oil extraction is very difficult because it is not found in every place and a way of its extraction is very difficult . Oil does not in everywhere . On the other hand, frequently in some places. for example, in Egypt, Jordan, Yemen and Somalia there is very little oil. but in Saudi Arabia , Kuwait, USE , Iran and Iraq there is about 62 percent from oil. In addition , its extraction is very difficult because must search for it by drilling wells thousands meters. Therefore , we have admit that oil extraction is very difficult.
Oil is very importance in our life because there are a most of industries rely on it and there are many countries rely on it in him economic. We can see a lot of industries rely on oil such as motor industry, planes and medicines. Furthermore there are many countries rely on oil in him economic for instance, Saudi Arabia . consequently , oil is very importance in our life .
In conclusion , extraction oil is very difficult but it is very importance .

ابغى الله لايهينك أتأكد من صحة المقال.... ويعطيك الف عافية


توقيع هدددددء  


انا يالمترفه .. من قبل أعرفك .. واعرف الكهرب،،
سريت الليل باحساسي .. وشفت الذيب والعقرب
وزرعت بمهمهات الغيد نوري،، وقلت لاتغرب
وعلمت الوفا.. وشلون لا ينسى .. ولا يكذب
وخاويت الطموح.. وقلت :لا منجا ولا مهرب


التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة هدددددء ; 28-12-2011 الساعة 04:42 PM.
هدددددء غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس