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منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 23-12-2011, 02:46 PM
الصورة الرمزية ABO MOATH

ABO MOATH ABO MOATH غير متواجد حالياً


تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2009
التخصص: E
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: متخرج
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 46
افتراضي الاختيارات وحلولها لقصيدة my last duches

هذه الاختيارات وحلولها ل my last dushes
1. What is the Duke arranging in “My Last Duchess”?
(A) The Duchess’s funeral
(B) The painting of the Duchess’s portrait
(C) A new marriage for himself
(D) The sale of his art collection
2. What is the rhyme scheme of “My Last Duchess”?
(A) Enjambed blank verse
(B) Enjambed rhyming couplets
(C) End-stopped rhyming couplets
(D) End-stopped blank verse
3. How is Porphyria killed?
(A) She is stabbed
(B) She is shot
(C) She is drowned
(D) She is strangled
4. When is “Porphyria’s Lover” set?
(A) Just before her murder
(B) As she is being killed
(C) Just after her death
(D) During her funeral
5. What makes “Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister” a soliloquy?
(A) A speaker who is distinct from the poet, who has no implied audience
(B) A speaker who is distinct from the poet, who has an audience before him
(C) The poet is the speaker, and is talking to himself
(D) The poet is the speaker, and is addressing a pretend audience
6. Who is the speaker’s primary adversary in “Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister”?
(A) The Prior
(B) The Pope
(C) Brother Lawrence
(D) Fra Lippo Lippi
7. In which country did Browning spend a great deal of time (other than England)?
(A) Scotland
(B) Italy
(C) France
(D) Spain
8. What season does the poet describe in “Home-Thoughts from Abroad”?
(A) Spring
(B) Summer
(C) Fall
(D) Winter
9. In “The Bishop Orders His Tomb...” where does the Bishop say the lapis for the tomb is hidden?
(A) In the catacombs beneath the church
(B) Buried in a vineyard
(C) At his mistress’s home
(D) Buried beneath the altar
10. Why is the Bishop so concerned with his tomb?
(A) He wants to outdo his predecessor
(B) He believes it will ensure his immortality
(C) He has done nothing to ensure either his earthly reputation or his salvation
(D) All of the above
11. To which well-known family does Fra Lippo Lippi’s patron belong?
(A) The Medicis
(B) The Borgias
(C) The Buonapartes
(D) The Urbinatis
12. What kind of art does Fra Lippo Lippi produce?
(A) Abstract art
(B) Nebulous religious art
(C) Landscapes
(D) Portraits of real people
13. What kind of meter is “A Toccata of Galuppi’s” written in?
(A) Tetrameter
(B) Pentameter
(C) Hexameter
(D) Octameter
14. Which city is described in “A Toccata of Galuppi’s”?
(A) London
(B) Rome
(C) Florence
(D) Venice
15. Which Shakespeare play inspired “Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came”?
(A) The Tempest
(B) King Lear
(C) Macbeth
(D) Henry V
16. What is Roland’s final action?
(A) He blows his horn
(B) He jumps off the tower
(C) He slays a monster
(D) He returns to his home
17. What does the poet find in his walk across the moor in “Memorabilia”?
(A) A bird’s nest
(B) A robin’s egg
(C) A dead sparrow
(D) An eagle’s feather
18. Which late poet has the stranger in “Memorabilia” met?
(A) ley
(B) Keats
(C) Wordsworth
(D) Milton
19. What crime has Andrea del Sarto committed?
(A) Murder
(B) Adultery
(C) Theft
(D) Blasphemy
20. Which of the following painters is NOT someone to whom Andrea compares himself?
(A) Raphael
(B) Michelangelo
(C) Leonardo da Vinci
(D) Titian
21. What is the Campagna?
(A) The coast near Rome
(B) The river that flows through Florence
(C) The plains outside Rome
(D) The mountains near Milan
22. The tone of the poem “Two in the Campagna” can best be described as:
(A) Optimistic
(B) Resigned
(C) Deeply depressed
(D) Questioning
23. Which preeminent nineteenth-century scientist does Caliban question in his soliloquy?
(A) Darwin
(B) Lyall
(C) Lamarck
(D) Kelvin
24. How many stressed syllables does a pentameter line contain?
(A) Four
(B) Five
(C) Six
(D) None
والاجابات هي
1c) (2b) (3d) (4c) (5a) (6c) (7b) (8a) (9b) (10d) (11a) (12d) (13d) (14d) (15b) (16a) (17d) (18a) (19c) (20d) (21c) (22b) (23a) (24b)

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توقيع ABO MOATH  

كن كالنجم
الذي يبث
النور للجميع
دون أن ينتظر
الشكر من أحد


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