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منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 21-01-2011, 04:05 PM   #10



الصورة الرمزية ذكريات410

تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2008
التخصص: لغات اوربيه
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: الرابع
الجنس: أنثى
المشاركات: 268
افتراضي رد: ياشباب وشابات المستوى الثالث واي شخص لديه روح التعاون

مشكورة سرو...

هذا برضوا موضوع ثاني عن الجراحات التجميلية


Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is also often called cosmetic surgery and has become
a widespread method to reshape the body and to help to improve the
appearance, it includes absolutely different operations starting
with abdominoplasty and ending with eyes surgery and face lifting.
Besides plastic surgery deals even more vitally important spheres,
like for example repair damages caused by some accidents or
injuries. It is well promoted and rather expensive but still
carriers certain risks, like any other type of operation. For
example, patients, who decide to make some dental operations, are
put at great risks. People who go through a number of plastic
operations are often still not satisfied with the result and start
doing other procedures, which is of course not the best way to
influence the state of the body: many people, who are overweight
turn to special operations, but after the fat is gone they face the
problem of lots of hanging skin.
Besides most people who have done it once, will return to these
operations again and again, even with the same problem, as they feel
constantly not satisfied with the result and are ready to give huge
sums of money, which they by the way could have used for some better
needs, like really supporting their health. "Plastic surgery junkies
need to think about why they keep wanting more work done. Obviously
it's much easier to change your outlook on life than it is to change
your external look…" (Rosen Christine, The Democratization of
Beauty, 2004, p.2). So this constant seeking for perfection can be
considered more of a psychological problem than real problems with
appearance. To avoid such result of plastic operations, the doctors
are to provide sufficient amount of explanation for the potential
patient concerning the results and reasons of this operation. Some
may need just a psychological help instead of this operation. And
this is of course a task of the society to work out the "rules" for
dealing the people, who want to make plastic surgery and do the best
to defend the clients of the plastic surgery clinics.
All these is a good basis for the surgeons to build their businesses
upon, they can use the week sides of a person, as almost every
person feels not absolutely sure about his/her appearance and would
love to look better, and earn good money. People are surrounded by
advertisements of "absolutely safe" and prestigious methods of
changing the appearance. As any other branch of medicine, plastic
surgery can have its field for development and application, but
there are still certain rules or restrictions to be made about it.
From the very beginning there should be a strict division between
cases of application of plastic surgery, a person who was burnt or
injured as a result of some accident or war or any other conflict
has to make such kind of operation under the circumstances, even he
doesn't want to, and a person, who watches too much television and
wants to get the same face Britney Spears or Tom Cruise have,
chooses to make this operation on his own free will. It is
absolutely not right to make these two people pay the same price for
the plastic operation


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