عرض مشاركة واحدة
منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 16-04-2010, 11:17 PM   #3

أحمد الرفاعي


الصورة الرمزية أحمد الرفاعي

تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2009
التخصص: لغة انجليزية
نوع الدراسة: إنتساب
المستوى: متخرج
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 205
افتراضي رد: كُل مآ يخص الدورآت التأهيلية للموآد(Lane446-447-438-423-462)الفصل2 / 2010

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة the expert مشاهدة المشاركة

الشعر=>> lane 447

الدكتور / عــمر با قـبــص

المحاضره الرابعه والأخيره

ذكر الدكتور في بداية المحاضره انه لن يستطيع تغطية المنهج من خلال الدورات التأهيليه واننا مطالبين ب 16 قصيده كامله وانه على اتم الأستعداد لعمل محاضره قبل الأختبارات بأسبوع متى ما أراد الطلاب ذلك ,,

ثم بدأ الدكتور بالشرح

to a daughter leaving home

by linda pastan

when i taught you

at eight to ride

a bicycle, loping along

beside you

as you wobbled away

on two round wheels,

my own mouth rounding

in surprise when you pulled

ahead down the curved

path of the park,

i kept waiting

for the thud

of your crash as i

sprinted to catch up,

while you grew

smaller, more breakable

with distance,

pumping, pumping

for your life, screaming

with laughter,

the hair flapping

behind you like a

handkerchief waving


هذه القصيده تتحدث عن الشاعره وابنتها

وتصور هذه القصيده المشهد وهو ان البنت بجانب الأم ثم ذهبت البنت والأم اسرعت لكي تلحق ببنتها لكي لا يلحقها أذى

, loping along == > moving along = التخطي

beside you == > stand next you

why does she stand next to her?

the mother stands next to her daughter to take care of her,,, or to watch her closely.

sprinted to catch up ==> she hurried up behind or after her daughter.

while you grew smaller == > the daughter grew smaller with distance (larger)

pumping ==> in positive image

نهاية القصيده وكأن البنت تقول لأمها

don't treat me as a child any more i have grown up.

how the poem end ?

the girl feels confidence.

or gain a confidence .

independence live

what do you make sense with ( pumping , pumping ) ?

what does the flapping of the hair or the way of the handkerchief waving symbolized? Or what message send to the mother?

she grown up

i am no longer a child.

• the poem relates to the recollection of an event that normally happens and take place during children

• this poem take a life as a challenge

• this poem has a natural instinct.==> very natural parents worry (anxious) about their children .

انتهت القصيده بنظره متفائله بأعطائهم الحريه لأختيار حياتهم . ولن يبقوا بجانبك على طول

how the poem end ?

the poem ended with the optimism to give them the freedom to choose their lives. And they will not stay beside you forever

,وبعد ذلك انتقل الدكتور لشرح قصيده

at the san francisco airport

by yvor winters

this is the terminal: The light

gives perfect vision, false and hard;

the l glitters, deep and bright/

great planes are waiting in the yard-

they are already in the night.

and you are here beside me, small.

contained and fragile, and intent

on things that i but half recall-

yet going whither you are bent.

i am the past, and that is all.

but you and i in part are one:

the frightened brain, the nervous will,

the knowledge of what must be done,

the passion to acquire the skill

to face that which you dare not shun.

the rain of matter upon sense

destroys me momently. The score:

there comes what will come. The expense

is what one thought, and something more-

one's being and intelligence.

this is the terminal, the break.

beyond this point, on lines of air,

you take the way that you must take;

and i remain in light and stare-

in light, and nothing else, awake

هذه القصيده تتحدث عن لحظة وداع

حينما الأب جاء ببنته الى قاعة مطار سانفرانسيسكوا

terminal==> refer (indicate) to the last point of contact ( صالة المطار )

بدأت القصيده بأخبارنا عن المكان

false and hard ==> describe the light and it gives the poet fault vision

how could the light be false?

that's mean not day light but the electric light

great planes are waiting in the yard ==> خلاف المعهود ,,, بالعاده المسافر هو من ينتظر الطائره وليس العكس

already in the nigh ==> at the night

night is unsafe time

i am the past, and that is all ==> وكأن الشاعر يقول انه هو الماضي وبنته المستقبل

to face that which you dare not shun ==> لن تجرؤ على ان تتهرب منه

to gain experience

هنالك رمزيه في القصيده وهو ان الأب سيذهب الى البيت وهو مكان الأمان ولكن البنت ستذهب الى مكان غير معروف وغير متوقع

• سأل الدكتور سؤال وقال ,,, هنالك احتماليه ان أسأل مثل هذه الأسأله الأنشائه حتىى اعرف مدى امكانية الطالب على التعبير والكتابه

why do you go to an airport?

• to catch the flight

• to pick up somebody

• to drop off somebody

• to meet someone

• ------- etc

ثم انتقل لشرح قصيده

barbie doll

by marge piercy

this girlchild was born as usual

and presented dolls that did pee-pee

and miniature ge stoves and irons

and wee lipsticks the color of cherry candy.

then in the magic of puberty, a classmate said:

you have a great big nose and fat legs.

she was healthy, tested intelligent,

possessed strong arms and back,

abundant sexual drive and manual dexterity.

she went to and fro apologizing.

everyone saw a fat nose on thick legs.

she was advised to play coy,

exhorted to come on hearty,

exercise, diet, smile and wheedle.

her good nature wore out

like a fan belt.

so she cut off her nose and her legs

and offered them up.

in the casket displayed on satin she lay

with the undertaker's cosmetics painted on,

a turned-up putty nose,

dressed in a pink and white nightie.

doesn't she look pretty? Everyone said.

consummation at last.

to every woman a happy ending

the poem began with the importance point's in this stanza ,,,, this girl born as usual .

they define a beauty according to standard

presented ==> given

stoves==> toy

irons ==> وكأنهم يحضورنها من الان لتكون أمرأة منذ ان ولدت (مكوى)

which types of gifts she got?

magic of puberty ==> she has grown

you have a great big nose and fat legs.== > she found fault with them ,,,, she doesn't fulfill the standard of beauty

possessed strong arms and back==> for man

to and fro ==> تروح وتجي

apologizing ==> وكأنها تشعر بالأسف لانها لم تصل الى معيار الجمال وكأنها تقول ماذا افعل لأصل الى هذا المعيار what can i do to please you or to make you happy ?

why the second stanza start by (she was healthy, tested intelligent) ?

beauty not judge by looks but by healthy and tastes manners.

in this stanza she wants to bring our attention to other good qualities we should use to judge the people by.

what did she do to be beauty?

the answer in the third stanza

وبكذا انتهت المحاضره الأخيره

وأسأل الله التوفيق لي ولكم


the expert
يا ليت لو تذكر القصائد 16 الى داخله في الاختبار معنا .
وكذلك الاسئلة الا في الدورة المكتوبه هل هي لمح الدكتور انها تجى في الاختبار والا فقط مجرد توضيح للدرس وليت ان يتم حلها في المنتدى. بارك الله فيكم جميعا.


توقيع أحمد الرفاعي  


Don’t be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it so


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