الموضوع: بنات السوسيو
عرض مشاركة واحدة
منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز منتديات طلاب وطالبات جامعة الملك عبد العزيز
قديم 21-01-2010, 09:49 PM   #130

nice mind


تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2009
نوع الدراسة: إنتظام
المستوى: الثامن
الجنس: أنثى
المشاركات: 38
افتراضي رد: بنات السوسيو

السلامو عليكم ياحلوات ودي اقولكم وشلونك وش اخباركم وش مسوييين مع المزاكره <=---هلوسه الاختبارات المهم <=--- اخلصي علينا عندي لكم الاسئله الي جاتهم بالنهائي من الجزء الخير New Part .
Language and social class
Sociolect (or social dialect): a socially distinct variety.

Regional dialect boundaries coincide with geographical barriers, mountains, swamps, rivers, e.g. ‘house’ [hu:s] north of the river Humber vs. [haus] (diphthong) south of the river.
Social stratification
Social stratification: is any hierarchical (ranking) ordering of groups within a society in terms of power, wealth and status.
Social mobility is possible. Social mobility is the movement up or down the social hierarchy.

Sociolinguistic studies showed how RP, and the intermediate and the most localized accents are related to social class.
Differences are due to the influence of substratum varieties, languages spoken before they become speakers of New York English. Yiddish or Italia accent of the first generation would lead to hypercorrection of foreign features by the second generation. The use of high vowels in ‘bad’, ‘bag’ by Italians because their fathers used more open vowel than the English sound.
Language and social networks
Linguistic variation can be analyzed in terms of social networks: is the grouping of people based on the frequency and quality of interaction.
The diffusion of Linguistic change happens fast and efficiently along horizontal channels (within one age and a social group). On the other hand vertical channels (across generation, social classes) are comparatively slow and inefficient with regard to the transmission of a linguistic innovation.
A loose network based on uniplex ties is going to be more open to the introduction and transmission of innovations than dense networks where members share multiplex ties through several (not single) relationships.
Symmetrical T usage to show intimacy or solidarity (strong common interest).
Brown and Levinson (1987) define face as “the public self image that every member wants to claim for himself”

وثاني شي هل نذاكر من الاوراق ولا الكتاب <=--- وهذا الشي الي مانويت اسويه بس سؤال <=--- وشوله القافه
وسووو دعاء انتي وياه لاقرين الاسئله ادعن لي تفهمووون <=--- تبي تطاق يالله سلالالالالالالالالالالالامون


nice mind غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس